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Congstar to Telekom - why I switched

For many years, I was happy with Congstar as my mobile provider, even though LTE was never officially available from Congstar. However, with the current Magenta 5.0 tariffs plus a €10 advantage, Telekom has got me. Previously, Congstar's 9-cent tariff (with LTE) was ideal for me: around 17 euros a month with 1 GB of data volume (at 12.95 euros per month) was a good deal.

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Congstar LTE further restricted

Although it was previously possible to use the Telekom LTE network with a Congstar contract card, this is being restricted in more and more tariffs. The new tariffs now offer faster 3G Internet, but still no LTE. Unlike the other network operators (after the merger of o2 and Eplus, only two competitors remain)

Congstar LTE further restricted Read Post »

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Congstar: Influence compression with Speed Manager

Congstar uses the T-Mobile network, which means that some functions are also available. One exciting feature is the speed manager at (only works with a congstar or other SIM card in the T-Mobile network), which can be used to influence image and HTML compression. By default, on-the-fly compression of the code, but not the images, is selected. If you want faster data transmission without

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