With the Galaxy 551, Samsung launches an entry-level device on the market, which has a full keyboard and thus reminds a bit of the Motorola Milestone. But since the Galaxy 551 is only an entry-level device, the hardware data turns out a bit more modest: the 3.7 inch touchscreen only provides a resolution of 400×240 pixels, the integrated camera has a resolution of 3 megapixels and the processor clocks with 667 MHz. In addition to the display resolution, memory expansion could prove to be a problem in everyday life: only 160 megabytes are available for applications that cannot be installed on a memory card.
After all: Samsung also relies on Android 2.2 including the adapted TouchWiz interface in its entry-level device - the working speed should therefore be okay. Officially, the Galaxy 551 should be available in stores from November, but price comparisons already list it from 249 Euro.