Mobile Adblockers on the advance

As early as 2015 with iOS 9 Apple introduced support for adblockers. Until now, adblockers have led a niche existence on mobile devices, this seems to be changing now.

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Pi-Hole can also filter advertising on mobile devices via a VPN connection now reports with reference to a Study of the Canadian provider Blockthroughthat although the use of Adblock on the desktop is decreasing, the use of mobile Adblocker is increasing significantly, which practically compensates for this.

According to the study, 235 million users use Adblocker on the desktop, compared to 527 million Adblock users on mobile devices - as mobile Internet usage increases, so does Adblock usage. Blockthrough determined the peak in installations of Adblockers in desktop browsers in 2017, after which the numbers will fall and be overtaken by mobile installations.

At Request from has provided Blockthrough with more precise figures for Germany: according to the study, the adblocker rate on the desktop has fallen from 29 to 27 percent between 2016 and 2019, while the adblocker rate on mobile devices has risen from one to three percent. So there are still fewer devices, but the trend is clear. In addition, there is the question of how far solutions such as pi-hole or other DNS-based blockers have been taken into account.

Besides complicated solutions with VPN and a Pi-Hole-installation (on a virtual server or the home Raspberry Pi) there are also a number of installable adblockers for iOS.

Whether you want to use Adblocker yourself and thus negatively influence the business model of many websites or whether you prefer the websites as they are intended by the creator (i.e. including advertising) is up to you. Since data protection is a top priority for many users, it can be assumed that the adblocker rates will continue to rise on mobile devices as well, unless new business models make do with less obvious or annoying advertising.

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