Iphone 4 can be pre-ordered - T-Mobile surprises with customer interest

Obviously T-Mobile was somewhat surprised by the customer interest in the Iphone 4 - there is no other explanation for the fact that the Bonn-based company did not provide more computing power on its own website. At times (especially in the morning) the site was hardly accessible today.

The prices for the Iphone 4 are anything but cheap - compared even with expensive Android devices like the Nexus One. At around 969 euro, the favorable combination of a contract (29 euro per month) and Iphone 4 with 16 GB (249.95 euro). Unfortunately, nothing has changed in the rates themselves at T-Mobile, apparently the hype for the new Iphone 4 is big enough to continue charging expensive prices.

Android fans can sometimes only smile about it, even if you have to admit that the Iphone 4 is an interesting device. And at this point you may forgive me for the blog entry on a different topic, the Iphone 4 is - whether you like it or not - also an important device for the Android market, as it can be assumed that manufacturers like HTC will orientate themselves on it again - hopefully finally with more success, but without the limitations...

2 thoughts on “Iphone 4 kann vorbestellt werden – T-Mobile überrascht vom Kundeninteresse”

  1. hi. i don't understand all this ePhone hype but if i just imagine that HTC would have acted like Apple did when it comes to new devices, there would be much less problems with updates. one new smartphone per year. would have been enough. i have HTC Tattoo (my entry into the Android world) and want to buy Desire now. i'm just afraid that Scorpio will come at the end of the year and i'll have to give up newer Android versions. it's very hard to keep track of everything alone. Apple makes it better.

  2. misiu99 :

    hi. i don't understand all this ePhone hype but if i just imagine that HTC would have acted like Apple did when it comes to new devices, there would be much less problems with updates. one new smartphone per year. would have been enough. i have HTC Tattoo (my entry into the Android world) and want to buy Desire now. i'm just afraid that Scorpio will come at the end of the year and i'll have to give up newer Android versions. it's very hard to keep track of everything alone. Apple makes it better.

    Yes, I think that's really the problem with Android devices: there's an unmanageable variety. Apple only brings out one device a year, but then they do it properly (and with updates over a longer period of time).

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