Vacuum cleaner robot: Ecovacs DEEBOT DR95 Hands-On

Vacuum cleaner robots are available in a wide variety of designs. A rather unknown brand is Ecovacs, whose DEEBOT DR95 has to prove itself in this hands-on.

Ecovacs DEEBOT R95
Ecovacs DEEBOT R95
The basic conditions: a ~80qm large apartment with parquet floor, divided into 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom - quite an average apartment and therefore a good test field for a vacuum cleaner robot. The technical data of the DR95 reads quite well:

  • Smartphone control from home and on the road
  • Intelligent cleaning path with memory
  • 5-step cleaning with additional water tank for docking
  • Automatic loading

As you can see from the list of features, the robot also has a water tank and can use it to wipe the floor damp after vacuuming - perfect for use on a parquet floor that should be wiped "foggy" regularly.

Technical data

  • Crossing door thresholds: 1.8 cm
  • Noise level: approx. 56db
  • Battery capacity: Lithium (2850mAH)
  • Max. working time per battery charge: approx. 90min
  • Dimensions: 35,4cm x 35,4cm x 10,2cm (WxDxH)

The highest point is the laser scanner with which the space maps are created. It also continuously scans the environment to avoid obstacles. In fact, the DEEBOT R95 relatively rarely hits anywhere - this already the furniture and prevents wear and tear.

The minimum "clearance height" is 11 centimetres, so the DEEBOT can also clean under a lot of furniture.

App Control

A particularly exciting feature of the Ecovacs DR95: control via app. Using a laser scanner, you first make a map of the room, then you can use the app (available for Android and iOS) to control the robot and also observe which areas it has already cleaned. Unlike the competitors, virtual walls can be drawn directly in the app on the map created by the robot - "lighthouses" or other aids are not necessary.

Cleaning performance

DEEBOT R95: Cleaning brush
DEEBOT R95: Cleaning brush
Besides a simple control system, the most important feature of a vacuum cleaner robot is certainly its cleaning performance. In principle, the DR95 - like other corresponding devices - is a small battery-powered vacuum cleaner. For heavy soiling, a regular vacuum cleaner must therefore still be used.

To remove fine dust, for example under the bed, the Ecovacs DR95 is ideal. Programmed with a schedule, the suction process starts even when you are away from home.

The DEEBOT R95 drives thereby the dwelling after a quite ordered pattern in serpentines - thus a large surface is covered. Sometimes the vacuum cleaner robot is a bit premature to "think" that the cleaning is finished. But if you let the bot run regularly, all areas are cleaned. In a video I have recorded a cleaning run from the view of the DEEBOT:

DEEBOT R95: Dust container
DEEBOT R95: Dust container
The sucked-in dust is collected in a container which can be removed in a few easy steps. This also reveals the filter, which prevents the dust from being blown directly into the air. The dust container can be easily emptied in the trash can and should be rinsed out from time to time - at least that is what the instructions recommend.

(Preliminary) Conclusion

After a few days, I can say DEEBOT R95 does what it is supposed to do, even in a somewhat "nested" apartment the area is well covered. Somewhat surprising was how much dust was left after regular vacuuming with a Miele vacuum cleaner (1,600 watts). This is probably due to the fact that vacuuming by hand is not so structured and difficult areas are more likely to be left out.

The R95 is priced at around 500 euros. A lot of money for a gadget, but also a relief in the household, if you want to achieve a certain basic cleanliness without doing much.

One comment

  1. Hello Falk,
    can you give us an update on the privacy policy? It would be interesting to know what happens to the scanned data of a room, or does the vacuum cleaner robot not radio home?
    Is there a possibility to install firmware updates or are there any available?
    I am curious what is offered to the customer here. 🙂

    Greeting Erich

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