
Iphone 4 can be pre-ordered - T-Mobile surprises with customer interest

Offensichtlich war T-Mobile etwas überrascht vom Kundeinteresse zum Iphone 4 – anders ist es nicht zu erklären, dass der Bonner Konzern nicht für mehr Rechenpower auf der eigenen Webseite gesorgt hat. Zeitweise (gerade am Vormittag) war die Seite heute kaum zu erreichen. Dabei sind die Preise für das Iphone 4 alles andere als günstig – […]

Iphone 4 can be pre-ordered - T-Mobile surprises with customer interest Read Post »

Google I/O: Android 2.2 introduced - no support for G1

Google presented Android 2.2 "Froyo" at the Google I/O developer conference. The new version brings new functions such as tethering and a hotspot function as well as significant performance improvements: the Javascript engine V8 known from Google Chrome has been integrated into the Android browser, which should speed up the execution of Javascript by a factor of 2-3. Flash 10.1 is also supported,

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Google takes tethering apps back into the market - with limitations has the latest news that Google has apparently decided to reinstate tethering apps in the Android Market. However, this change of heart is not without restrictions. According to, the terms of use prohibit the tethering apps from being offered on T-Mobile US (which probably also applies to T-Mobile Germany). So apparently only G1 users without T-Mobile as their carrier can

Google takes tethering apps back into the market - with limitations Read Post »

Google begins censorship of Android market

Google's Android is actually an open operating system for cell phones and other mobile devices. However, the openness ends with the Market. Various tethering applications (which turn an Android phone like the T-Mobile G1 into a Wi-Fi access point) have disappeared from the Android Market. and report that Google took this measure at the insistence of T-Mobile - logical, because

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